Sea Moss


Sea Moss capsules nourish us with 92 out of the 102 minerals the body is made of. One of those most powerful mineral and nutritious foods on earth.

Rich in calcium, magnesium, chromium, sulphur compounds, phosphorus, protein, iodine, bromine, selenium, beta-carotene, pectin, manganese, potassium, iron, zinc, and  B-vitamins. It is also rich in vitamin C, amino acids, antioxidants, as well as a host of antimicrobial agents.

Sea Moss comes from small algae which are found on Atlantic Coast, found growing just under the level of the seawater that forms its natural habitat. It can grow up to 20cm in length and has a branching fan-like nature with 4-5 divisions on each branch, each division or ‘leaf’ is 2-15mm wide, firm, leathery in texture and translucent and reddish-brown to dark brown in colour. a traditional herbal remedy in Ireland.

The healthful properties of Irish moss include Vitamins A, E, F and K, calcium, potassium and sulfur. It is also a naturally occurring source of iodine, which can be difficult to include in a normal diet.

Sea Moss nourishes us with 92 out of the 102 minerals the body is made of. One of those most powerful mineral and nutritious foods on earth. Rich in calcium, magnesium, chromium, sulfur compounds, phosphorus, protein, iodine, bromine, selenium, beta-carotene, pectin, manganese, potassium, iron, zinc, B-vitamins and vitamin C.
It is also rich in vitamin C, amino acids, antioxidants, as well as a host of antimicrobial agents.


  • Helps to Promote a Healthy Thyroid
  • Digestive system
  • Supports a Healthy Heart
  • Cholesterol levels
  • Brain, mood and hormone balance
  • Bones
  • Muscle control
  • Reproductive organs
  • Nervous system
  • Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), also known as Metabolism
  • Healthy Immune System
  • Helps Maintain a Healthy Weight
  • Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails
  • Post Workout Recovery

An added bonus to the list of the Benefits of Sea Moss!

Sea Moss is an electric food known to have alkaline properties. An alkaline diet consists of whole plant-based foods which increase the oxygen content in the body. Our bodies are naturally alkaline, but if the food you’re consuming is highly acidic, then the body becomes more acidic. This is when diseases start to form in the body.

100% Pure Irish Sea Moss.

Direction for use. Take one or two capsules daily.

Safety Information:
It is worth keeping in mind that many different species of seaweed, including sea moss, contain naturally occurring blood thinners. So it is not recommended to consume sea moss when taking any type of blood-thinning medication (anticoagulants) or blood pressure medication (antihypertensives).

People that use sea moss while taking antihypertensives can experience negative side effects. Antihypertensive medication is used to treat high blood pressure, also known as hypertension.

Side effects that may occur can include feeling dizzy or lightheaded.

Allergen Information
People with allergies to fish or shellfish should not take this product.

Always consult a qualified medical practitioner if you are supplementing any medication for herbal products

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Sea Moss
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